Event Registration Google form template

Here's an example of an event registration Google Form template

Event Registration Google form template
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP / Unsplash

Here's an example of an event registration Google Form template:

Title: "Event Registration"

Description: "Thank you for your interest in attending our event! Please fill out the form below to register. We look forward to seeing you there!"

Page 1:

  1. Name: [Short answer]
  2. Email: [Short answer]
  3. Phone number: [Short answer]
  4. Number of attendees: [Multiple choice: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5+]

Page 2:

  1. Dietary restrictions: [Checkboxes: None, Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten-free, Other]
  2. If you selected "Other" for dietary restrictions, please specify: [Short answer]
  3. How did you hear about our event? [Multiple choice: Email, Social media, Word of mouth, Other]
  4. If you selected "Other" for how you heard about our event, please specify: [Short answer]

Page 3:

  1. Are you interested in receiving updates about future events from us? [Yes/No]
  2. If yes, please provide your mailing address: [Short answer]

Submit button: "Submit registration"

Once someone fills out this form, you will be able to see their responses in your Google Forms dashboard. You can then use this information to plan for the event, such as reserving enough food for everyone and sending out confirmation emails.