How to Check for Plagiarism on Google Docs?

Learn to Check for Plagiarism on Google Docs. The step-by-step guide for checking Plagarism on Google Docs are as follows: Install a plagiarism checker add-on> Open the add-on> Check for plagiarism> Review the results and Correct any plagiarism.

How to Check for Plagiarism on Google Docs?
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Google Docs is a popular online word processor that allows users to create, edit and share documents. The steps for checking plagiarism in Google Docs are as follows:

  1. Install a plagiarism checker add-on: There are several plagiarism checker add-ons available for Google Docs. To install an add-on, open Google Docs, click on "Add-ons" in the menu bar, and select "Get Add-ons." Search for the plagiarism checker add-on you want to use and click "Install."
  2. Open the add-on: Once the add-on is installed, open it by clicking on "Add-ons" in the menu bar and selecting the plagiarism checker add-on you installed. Follow the instructions provided to set up the add-on.
  3. Check for plagiarism: To check for plagiarism, select the text you want to check and click on the plagiarism checker add-on. The add-on will compare the selected text to other online sources and highlight any similarities. You can also choose to check the entire document by clicking on the "Check Full Document" option in the add-on.
  4. Review the results: Once the add-on has finished checking for plagiarism, it will display the results in a new window. Review the results and click on any highlighted text to see the source of the match.
  5. Correct any plagiarism: If the add-on finds plagiarism in your document, you will need to correct it by either paraphrasing the text or citing the source properly. Use the add-on to check the document again after making any changes.

Using a plagiarism checker add-on in Google Docs is a quick and easy way to check for plagiarism in your documents. By taking steps to avoid plagiarism, you can ensure that your work is original and free of any potential legal or ethical issues.