How to delete my response in Google form?

Learn how you can delete your response submitted on Google form

How to delete my response in Google form?
Image by: Ramazan Karakehya/

The Google form responder cannot delete their response submitted in Google form however they have right to ask for deletion of their response under GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) and CCPA ( California Consumer Protection Act) regulations.

Form responders can request for removal of certain personal data that are provided in responses for privacy and data protection reasons. The form that is available in Google website is for requesting removal of specific results for the queries that comprise responders name in Google Search. The processing of personal data carried out in determining the results shown by Google Search is controlled by Google LLC.

When we request for removal of personal data, we need to submit request through Google form's  where we can go through "Removing Content from Google " page. When responder make their request, Google will balance their privacy and data protection rights with the public interest in having access to the information along with right of others to distribute the information and the data will be deleted within a specific period of time after proper verification.