How to Use Notion as a Planner?

Learn to Use Notion as a Planner. To use Notion, Create a master task list> Create a weekly planner> Use templates> Schedule recurring tasks> Add notes and details> Track your progress and Review and reflect.

How to Use Notion as a Planner?
Image by: Wikimedia

Notion is a versatile productivity tool that can be used for various purposes such as note-taking, project management, and planning. Here are some tips on how to use Notion as a planner:

  1. Create a master task list: Start by creating a database in Notion that will serve as your master task list. This database should include all your tasks, both personal and professional. You can add columns such as priority, due date, and status to make it easier to track your tasks.
  2. Create a weekly planner: Once you have a master task list, create a weekly planner in Notion. This planner should include all the tasks you want to complete during the week. You can use Notion's Kanban board feature to move tasks from "to-do" to "in progress" to "done" as you complete them.
  3. Use templates: Notion has several templates that can be used for planning. You can use these templates as a starting point and customize them to fit your needs. Some popular templates include the Eisenhower matrix, daily planner, and weekly planner.
  4. Schedule recurring tasks: Notion allows you to schedule recurring tasks, such as weekly meetings or monthly bills. This feature can help you stay on top of tasks that need to be completed regularly.
  5. Add notes and details: Notion's flexibility allows you to add notes and details to your tasks. You can attach files, add comments, and create sub-tasks to provide more context and information about your tasks.
  6. Track your progress: Notion's database and Kanban board features make it easy to track your progress. You can see how many tasks you've completed, how many are in progress, and how many are left to do.
  7. Review and reflect: Finally, take time to review and reflect on your planner regularly. You can use Notion's database and filters to see which tasks you've completed, which ones are overdue, and which ones need more attention.

Using Notion as a planner can help you stay organized and productive. By following these tips, you can create a planner that works for you and helps you achieve your goals.